My new podcast is here!
Mein Podcast is da!


Those who enjoy the present, will have a precious past in the future.

Wer die Gegenwart geniesst, wir in Zukunft eine wertvolle Vergangenheit haben.

In times like these, it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves and invest time in your own health of body and mind. The more you connect with your soul, the more you can handle difficult situations in life.

In Zeiten wie diesen ist es wichtiger denn je, auf sich selbst Acht zu geben und Zeit für die eigene Gesundheit von Körper und Geist zu investieren. Je mehr man sich mit seiner Seele verbindet, desto mehr kann man schwierige Situationen im Leben meistern.


In my new podcast CONSCIOUS there will be interesting talks & conversations with like-minded & inspiring people around the globe as well as longer and shorter episodes with tips on how to connect deeply with your body, mind & soul to find deep meaning and purpose in life. There will be guided meditations to help you be more present & feel more connected to your highest self and nature as well as plant-powered recipes & food-hacks to make your life more colorful, more nourishing, healthier & more delicious.

In meinem neuen Podcast CONSCIOUS wird es interessante Talks und Gespräche mit gleichgesinnten und inspirierenden Menschen rund um den Globus geben, sowie längere und kürzere Episoden mit Tipps, wie man sich mit Körper, Geist und Seele verbinden kann, um einen tiefen Sinn und Zweck im Leben zu finden. Es wird geführte Meditationen geben, die dir helfen, präsenter zu sein und dich mehr mit deinem höchsten Selbst und der Natur verbunden zu fühlen, sowie pflanzliche Rezepte und Food-Hacks, die dein Leben bunter, nahrhafter, gesünder und köstlicher machen.

May it be something for you? | Ist der Podcast etwas für dich?

  • Do you have the desire for more trust & less fear in life?

  • Do you wish to get to know & feel yourself better?

  • Do you desire a build a stronger connection with your intuition?

  • Do you want to feel more comfortable in your own body?

Then I hope that my podcast is exactly what you are looking for so that you can feel more comfortable in your body, more connected to your mind & more in harmony with your soul.

  • Hast Du den Wunsch nach mehr Vertrauen und weniger Angst im Leben?

  • Möchtest du dich Selbst besser kennen und spüren lernen?

  • Möchtest Du eine stärkere Verbindung zu deiner Intuition aufbauen?

  • Willst Du dich in Deinem eigenen Körper wohler fühlen?

Dann hoffe ich, dass mein Podcast genau das ist, wonach du suchst, damit du dich in deinem Körper wohler fühlst, mehr mit deinem Geist verbunden bist und mehr in Harmonie mit deiner Seele bist.

Episodes | Folgen

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CONSCIOUS - My new podcast

Welcome to my new podcast! It’s finally here and I couldn’t be more excited!The intention behind my podcast and how it can hopefully help YOU to find more trust, balance & joy in life. I’d love for you to come on this journey with me so that we can learn, grow and evolve together not just as humans, but also as souls.


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4 Tips to find more trust to do what feels right for you

In today’s episode - my very first episode - I talk about „How to find more trust to do what feels right for you.“ I think especially in times like now, with everything that is going on in the world, this is more important than ever! To stay true to yourself, to your heart, and actually follow what you feel is the right thing for you to do. But what does it mean to do what is right for you and what are some things you can do in your every day life to live up to that?

I prepared 4 tips for you plus one extra tip - that is more of a necessity to even be able to follow tip 1 to 4 - that can hopefully make it easier to learn to trust what feels right for you and also follow that. Enjoy listening!


14 Steps to start & grow your own business

Have you ever wanted to create your own business but then didn’t find the courage or belief in yourself to do so? Or you just didn't know how and where to start? In today's episode I will share 14 steps that helped me along my way and that I wish I knew when I started. I hope they can be helpful for you too! Not only to start, but also to grow your business on a good and strong foundation. Enjoy listening!

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How to boost your immune system naturally - PART 1

What exactly does our immune system do for us? What can we do to make sure our immune system can function properly to protect us and our health as good as possible? In this episode, part 1 (with a predominant focus on the physical health), I dive deeper into what helps me in my everyday life to feel strong, healthy & energized in the hope of course, that it can be helpful for you too!

Especially with everything going on in the world and the upcoming colder months, when we are exposed to potential threats to our health even more, it's now more important than ever to do what we can to make our health the number 1 priority.

Stay tuned for part 2 coming soon, where I will share more tips to boost your immune system naturally with a predominant focus on the mental & spiritual health.

GUIDED MEDITATION - connect to your root chakra to feel more grounded & in your own power

Welcome to the first guided meditation of this podcast! Over the next 7 weeks I will share one Guided Meditation each week. Each one dedicated to a different chakra with this first guided meditation dedicated to the root chakra.

Especially in turbulent times like now, it’s more important than ever to consciously ground our body, mind & soul and to take care of ourselves so that we can stand in our own power. Connecting with your root chakra is a great way to find more inner peace and strength. The more grounded we are, the better we can face the shifts and changes that happen on this planet as well as within ourselves. We will feel stronger, feel more trust and more connected to everything and everyone that surrounds us.

Enjoy the meditation and I’m excited for you to experience yourself as your own beautiful version of a tree!

How to boost your immune system naturally - PART 2

..with a predominant focus on the mental health and the connection to your heart & soul.

To protect your immune system, to feel better and stronger physically, emotionally, mentally & in your connection with you inner voice, it comes down to take care of body, mind & soul as equally important factors - as one. That strength of oneness of all we are makes the job for our immune system easier to protect us from any threats to our health. And, if we take the necessary steps to take care of our mental & spiritual health, then that can also help us to face any challenges that come our way in a way where we don’t feel attacked, triggered, stressed or full of fear.

FULL MOON guided meditation

Join a guided meditation to spread more light & love to this world to bring more healing to this planet. Thank you so much for your time & energy.


„How to eat less sugar“ - isn’t that something we’re all struggling with a bit? Did you ever have the desire to eat less sugar? Then this episode might be exactly what you’re looking for! I not only share tips & tricks on how to be more mindful about the sugar intake and how to eat less sugar, but also about what sugar actually is, what it does once it enters our body and what effect it can have on our mental health.

P.S. If you listen until the end, I would love for you to join the challenge! We can do this together!