How it all started | the change | my passion for my profession | my cookbooks | what else has evolved | what's next


My love for food probably started when I nestled in my mom's belly. I discovered my love of cooking when I was ten years old. And that with a ready-made mix for brownies. The kind where all you have to do is add butter, eggs and milk, mix it all up, pour the batter into the pan, bake and you're done. I made the brownies according to recipe on the package, but they did not taste good to me. The second attempt was no better. With the rest of my pocket money, I bought a third package and added more ingredients from my mom's always well-stocked pantry like: roasted nuts, ground almonds, cinnamon, vanilla, honey, all seasoned with a big pinch of creativity and curiosity. The result convinced me so much that I have never stuck to a given recipe since. This experience inspired me in ways that the kitchen soon became the place of my freedom. A place without restrictions and rules, a place where I could let my hands dance to the sound of my imagination, where I could express my feelings and creativity and simply be myself.

I would lock myself in the kitchen for hours and cook four-course menues for my family. My goal was never just to create an experience for the taste buds, but to invite my family into my own world and create an experience for all the senses. I wrote the menu on a large piece of paper and hung it on the wall, lit up candles, played music in the background and arranged the plates as if they were works of art. The joy, the happy smiles on my family's faces, and of course enjoying the meal together - I loved every minute of it. And in the end, I always said, "I cook, you clean up," because the kitchen often resembled more of an experimental laboratory after my cooking adventures. You could say we had a lot of explosions in our house. But it's a good thing that many of them were also taste explosions!


When I was sixteen, I moved to Canada for six months. There, too, I cooked [and ate!] for all I was worth and came home with over fourteen kilos - which equals roughly 30 pounds - more on my hips. Since I grew up very athletic and was always in top shape, after a while I felt my freedom and well-being was limited. To feel good again and get my energy back, I wanted to change something. But something that worked in the long run. A diet was never an option for me, since diets almost invariably involve rules & restrictions and are only successful in the short term. So I started to move my body more and changed my eating habits as well as my mindset. I quickly felt better, not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally.

The more consciously I made my choices, the more I began to appreciate myself as well as everyone and everything else. It was like a domino effect that affected every aspect positively, so that it eventually developed into a new lifestyle that I still live today. A lifestyle full of joy, fun and pleasure. A lifestyle that is all about the balance between body, mind and spirit - be it in terms of diet, daily routine, physical activity or mindset. After all, it's not about how you look, it's about how you feel! And when you feel good inside, you radiate that to the outside world.
( I also gave a TedxTalk about my journey that you can watch HERE.)

I felt the need to share this experience with people around the world. I wanted to share that you can rebalance yourself without rules, restrictions and months of going “without". That healthy and nutritious food can be so delicious and so easy to prepare. That it's about feeling better, living better and eating better - not less! That's how my motto came to live: "Eat better not less", which could actually be rephrased to "Eat, live and feel better not less".



To share my enthusiasm, I brought in photography, another of my big passions. So I started taking pictures of my breakfast creations in the mornings before school and from the very first picture I was amazed at how you can capture emotions from food just as you can from people, animals & nature. I started sharing my pictures and recipes on social media and within no time had tens of thousands of people worldwide following me. That motivated me to keep going. But after a few months I felt like something fundamental was missing. I wanted to make something you can actually hold in your hands, something that would allow me to get in touch with people personally, something I could show my kids one day, and something that didn't just exist on the screen.

So at the age of nineteen I decided to write a cookbook. At that time, I was attending film acting school and worked on my book in every free minute. From cooking, writing, photographing and designing the book from A to Z, I did it all myself. After four months I was done. Shortly after it was published, it became the number one bestseller in the whole country, which surprised me the most. It completely turned my life around. A few months later, I started my own company and turned my passion into my profession.

So a few years have passed, and I couldn't be more grateful to be doing what gives me so much joy every day. I may have been lucky and maybe I was just in the right place at the right time. But it also took countless early mornings and hours late into the night to teach myself new things, to fail, to try again, doubt and saying no to other things, endless commitment, willingness to take risks, motivation, a lot of hard work and a large portion of trust, courage and belief in myself. In my opinion, the most important thing for perseverance, dedication and commitment is the intention with which you do something and a clear vision of what you want to achieve with it, a purpose. Once you know what that is [for me, it is and always has been to touch people emotionally and inspire them to step into their own strength], there is so much energy flowing through your body, mind, and soul so that you can continue on your path no matter what obstacles may be in the way. Because when passion carries & guides you, it no longer feels like work, but simply like living life to the fullest!

Click HERE to see my first cookbook.


Two years later, at the age of twenty-one, I wrote my second book, a travel cookbook, for which I traveled through twelve countries within nine weeks. I came home with 60,000 photographs taken and inspired by my memories & experiences I have made while traveling (without writing anything down, because I knew that the things that remain in my memories are the ones that matter to put into the book), I wrote, cooked, photographed and designed the whole book straight from my heart. A book that lets you dive into different worlds of flavors, colors and spices around the globe with all your senses. A book filled with stories & recipes that takes you on a trip around the world without having to pack your bags.

When my second book - the travel-cookbook - also became a No. 1 bestseller after one week after its release, my joy was great and so was my gratitude to all of you who have supported me so far. I am often asked what the secret to my success is. To this I like to ask the counter question, "What is definition of success?" Because for me, success has nothing to do with money, numbers, fame or status. That’s the illusion of success, which can also break you and take you off your own path. People may forget who you were, how many followers and what fame you had. But people will never forget the feelings and emotions that something triggered in them. And that brings us back to the intention behind what you do, the purpose.

Whether I'll still be writing cookbooks a year or a few months from now, or whether I’ll be doing something completely different, doesn’t really matter to me. The only thing that matters is the now. As long as I can put my heart, soul & passion into what I'm doing in the now, the actual doing is just a tool to express why I'm doing it. And if that's the case, I know I'll have success - no matter how big or small that success may seem to the outside world.

Click HERE to see my second cookbook.


More than three years have passed since the publication of the second book, and a lot has changed ever since. My wish for my own four walls has come true - of course with the kitchen as the most important place, with enough space for all my cooking utensils, plates, dishes, etc., where I feel great and my creativity can flow undisturbed. After a long search, I found the right space and I planned, designed and rebuilt my own kitchen studio with many helping hands in about eight months. [More about the behind the scenes on my Instagram profile under the highlights.] All the pictures in the newest book were taken in and around my cooking studio. I am infinitely grateful for everything and everyone who has supported me on my way so far, believed in me and thereby, made this possible for me.


But not only in my life, also in the world a lot has changed. We talk about overconsumption as well as more poverty, advancing technology, artificial products, additives and modifications in many areas & the often little respect we show Mother Nature. For many people, all this becomes too much, the identification with it becomes more and more difficult. In the past few years - especially last year and this year - either fear and worry have strongly taken root in many, or on the positive side, a raising of consciousness - both individual and collective - has taken place. The need for simplicity, nature, more humanity & connectedness with everything has intensified.

To give oneself more respect mentally, physically and emotionally is more relevant and important than ever. And of course, this includes nutrition as a pivotal aspect, which contributes decisively to the well-being in one's own body. Everything is an interplay of energy. You identify with what you give to your body; you attract what you radiate & vice-versa. What we give to our body has enormous effects on us - not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. I am convinced that nature, plants, sun, water, earth, and fresh air are among the most powerful remedies available to us directly and immediately.

Food is a language nobody speaks but everybody understands.

Therefore, my new book should be filled with fully plant-based recipes that contain fresh, healthy, nutritious and natural ingredients, most of them quite conventional, available everywhere. They should be easy to prepare and give you a lot of energy. My recipes contain plenty of fruits and vegetables and consist of a good mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. What does not appear in my recipes as ingredients are refined products such as refined white sugar or white flour, ready-made products or products with additives. I always go for the nutrient-rich whole grain variety.

The recipes should appeal to the taste and the senses as well as trigger emotions and a sense of well-being; they should strengthen the connection to oneself, bring joy and pleasure into your lives, make you feel more alive. All recipes are purely plant-based, as I have been eating this way myself for several years and it feels right to me. Everyone has to find out for themselves what suits them. The main thing is to eat consciously and with appreciation. Anyway, I think that the recipes in this book will taste good to everyone without missing anything - no matter if you are an omnivore, vegetarian, pescetarian or whatever you do or don’t eat.

Click HERE to see my third cookbook.




Apart from some great partnerships with amazing brands that I was able to build over the years and that I still appreciate very much up to this day today - some other things started rolling as well. In terms of physical products, I got to develop my own Granola Special Edition line and launch it in over 4000 stores in Switzerland, Germany & Austria. That was an incredibly great & educational experience. Also, for a few years now, I have my kitchen appliance line - "Nadia's White Line" - with blender, juicer, kettle & toaster as well as my my own kitchen knife line that I launched last year. And just recently, I launched a ceramic plate line in collaboration with the amazing artist Sarah Jerath.


Since the release of my first cookbook, I have done countless events where I got to cook for people and invite them into my world of taste explosions. Since my path seems to inspire many people (which of course makes me very happy), I also often get requests for speeches and talks. There I get the opportunity to motivate people from young to old with my path and my words, so that they can hopefully do what makes their eyes sparkle and build the confidence in themselves to follow their heart's voice. The biggest talks so far were two TEDx Talks I was invited to give. That was an incredible honor for me.

HERE you can find the Talks (they are in English).



Due to the situation in 2020, many events I had planned in my cooking studio were cancelled. The situation was certainly not easy, but "not easy" can always be an opportunity to get creative and make it easier. I therefore felt that in times like these, it’s even more important to support each other and be there for each other. So that I can use my new cooking studio in a meaningful way, I decided to make a pop-up store - "NAIA Store" for 3 months. NAIA by Nadia Damaso stood for the coming together of Swiss-based brands that do are good for people & the environment. A wide range of brands that offer products with quality and style. From areas like food, kitchen, home & living, to clothes, beauty & wellness, interior, jewelry, flowers & plants, everything was included. Products that are made, produced and developed with love, passion & dedication and enrich the lifestyle in a sustainable, conscious, qualitative, healthy, high-quality and stylish way so that you feel good all around.

To discover the brands that were part of NAIA, click HERE.


Now very fresh, I am starting my own podcast. I am really looking forward to it! There will be talks, interviews & weekly episodes with tips & recipes on how to strengthen the relationship with yourself to bring more balance, joy, love, trust & a deep connection to nature and what you put into your body into your life. You can find more info HERE.


I am so happy that I can do what I love, day in and day out! I always knew - even as a 10-year-old girl - that my path would be different and that being happy, free and creative with what I do would always be the most important thing for me. I really and honestly just want to spread the love of good, healthy and nutritious food, spread positivity, good vibes and joy. Making people happy with what I do! 

I don't know what the future holds for me. I have always trusted in myself and my intuition very much. Everything in life happens for a reason, it comes as it must. I have no idea where I will be in 4 years or 1 year from now. I just want to be able to live in the moment and share what excites me with people. Share so that it helps them on their way in some way. Eat Better Not Less is not just a way of eating, it's a lifestyle! Eating good, nutritious food, having a healthy attitude, getting enough movement in, having a balanced social life, taking care of yourself, indulging and taking time out - it's all part of it.


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I hope to motivate many of you to try new things for yourself and create your own unique recipes. Cooking is like art. Sometimes the result leaves you speechless and sometimes it doesn't work out the way you planned, but that's totally normal and okay. I am convinced, however, that anyone can cook. It may take a little courage to try something new, as with everything in life. But with a little practice, a lot of passion, imagination and creativity, I can promise you that you will be your own kitchen artist in no time! And once you experience how it can make you feel, you won’t stop swinging that whisk anytime soon.

Stay true to yourself, trust your intuition, live for what makes your eyes sparkle, have fun and act directly from the voice of your heart. I believe in you and hope you do too!

With much love, Nadia